Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Intersections Staff: Mary Hall Surface

An Interview

Jacqueline Lawton: What is your job for the INTERSECTIONS Festival?
Mary Hall Surface: My job is to create an event that will bring artists and audiences of all races, ages and cultures together to see where we meet, collide, cross, collaborate, intersect -- and discover the energy that is fueling the changing of America.

JL: Where were you born? How did you end up where you are now?
MHS: Bowling Green, Kentucky. My father is a third generation Washingtonian. I spent every August here as a child. I began touring here in the early 80s with my theatre from California to the Kennedy Center. Then I was asked to write/direct for the Kennedy Center, so we moved here as our "base" and have stayed.

JL: Who are your heroes?
MHS: All those who live their lives with integrity and purpose.

JL: What is your personal theme song?
MHS: Imagine (if I'm feeling deep) or more often anything off of the Penguin Cafe Orchestra's first album (look it up!)

JL: What is your favorite quote?
MHS: "Be honest. The results will be sensational." Virginia Woolfe

JL: What do you think will be cool about the festival?
MHS: All the coming together of people, art forms, genres, traditions, ages and perspectives.

JL: Finish this sentence: I am an intersection of ...
MHS: hopes, visions, art and a lunatic work ethic.

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