Thursday, January 21, 2010

Intersections Artist: Tom Teasley

An Interview

Jacqueline Lawton: What type of artist are you?
Tom Teasley: I am a world percussionist who combines playing styles, instruments and techniques from Africa, India and the Middle East with American jazz. I also combine instruments of ancient origin with contemporary digital technology.

JL: Where were you born? How did you end up where you are now?
TT: I was born in Washington, DC!! After playing in rock bands during my teens I went to Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, MD. After graduation while my colleagues were going for orchestra auditions I was touring nationally in blues bands. After several tours to New Orleans I began to notice that western percussion is only the beginning. I then began to seek out master drummers from Africa, India, and the Middle East and combine those styles with my experience with western classical music and American jazz.

JL: Who are your heroes?
TT: I have many heroes. Personally, my parents, Gandi and Martin Luther King. Musically they would be Joe Morello, Max Roach, Igor Stravinsky, Zakir Hussain and many, many more...

JL: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
TT: I would be right here-In the Washington, DC area!! I just returned from several tours to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Jerusalem. I am delighted to be home for a while!

JL: What is your favorite quote?
TT: “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”- Henry David Thoreau

JL: How do you feel your performance fits into the festival?
TT: My music is an intersection between the ancient music of the Middle East, India and Africa filtered through my experience as an American musician combined with the latest developments in digital technology.

Tom Teasley
The Drum: Ancient Traditions Today, a journey from ancient times to the future with an internationally renowned world music percussionist.
Sunday, Feb 28 at 5:30 PM
Lab II
Tickets: $5
For audiences ages 6 and up.

Percussion Workshop:
Sunday, Feb 28 at 3:30 PM
Lab II
Tickets: FREE

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